Invitation Letter Request

Invitation Letters from the Congress can be sent to you or your employing institution by postal service. The letters invite your participation in the Congress in order that you may apply for a Visa to enter the United States.

The USA strongly recommends that you apply for your visa, should you require one to come to the US, at least 8 weeks in advance of your departure date to ensure you receive it time for your travel. Processing times vary from mission to mission. Check the processing times for the mission responsible for processing your visa.

Before you apply for the Invitations Letters, you must pay for your Congress registration. Before going further in this process to request an invitation letter, click here to register for the Congress.

After registering, complete the form below and the Invitation Letters and other supporting letters will be sent to you to take to the embassy or consulate.

Be sure to include a copy of your registration receipt with the Invitation Letters when you bring your Visa application to the mission.

After you have paid your registration, Click Here to Request an Invitation Letter

USA Visa Information

Here is the US State Department link for Visa Information:

The following topics are covered in the above link:

  1. Overview
  2. Visa Waiver Program
  3. Qualifying for a Visitor Visa
  4. Applying for a Visitor Visa
  5. Required Documentation
  6. What are the Required Visa Fees?
  7. Additional Documentation
  8. Do I need a visa if I have an APEC Business Travelers Card?
  9. How can I use my ABTC when I apply for my visa?
  10. Visa Annotations for Certain Maritime Industry Workers
  11. Documentation Needed When Seeking to Travel for Medical Treatment
  12. Misrepresentation of a Material Facts, or Fraud
  13. Visa Ineligibility/Waiver
  14. Additional Information
  15. Visa Denials
  16. Entering the U.S. - Port of Entry
  17. Staying Beyond Your Authorized Stay in the U.S. and Being Out of Status
  18. How Do I Extend My Stay?
  19. How Do I Change My Status?
  20. Further Visa Inquiries